Leadership Reboot

Executive Retreats for Creative Leaders

Are you in a leadership position and feel overwhelmed, uninspired, or just feel like you are going through the motions? Do you long to tap into your creative potential at a deeper level? Would you like to spend less time managing personalities and more time watching your group or team flourish? Perhaps it’s time to look at leadership differently.


Where does power come from? This concept at the moment is particularly timely as this is exactly what we as the Collective of humanity are reworking. When you understand the nature and dynamics of true power you can step out of management of personnel and find greater fulfillment in motivation and cultivation of true leadership for each of your associates.

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Our Executive Retreats offer the ability to clear old blocks and limiting beliefs at the conscious, subconscious, cellular, and energetic levels. Somatic Release is a form of bodywork that can release “stuck energies” and past traumas stored within the body and works synergistically to bring limiting beliefs and ingrained emotional and behavioral patterns up to the surface to be integrated or reworked. Using hypnotherapy we then rework any belief systems that are holding you back so you can tap into your creative abilities so you can lead from a more authentic sovereign place with authority.


We’ll create and customize a personal approach through meditation, aromatherapy, or vibrational healing techniques to help you maintain your balance and rest and recharge when you need to. We will offer you a customized nutraceutical package to optimize your physical and mental health as well. Finally if you need to break through to the next level out executive coaching will help you create the steps you need to implement your plan to grow in your career.


All this takes place in a sumptuous setting where you can take the time you need to focus on yourself without distraction. Our proprietary protocol allows you to complete years of therapy in just a couple of days and you’ll also get the tools and skills to support a new healthier lifestyle. Click HERE to learn more or to book your personal executive retreat today.